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Immune Boosters - Natural Immune Boosters

Location : BURWOOD-VIC-3125 (Australia Wide)


Unfortunately, getting sick is a part of life. And it is very annoying, making you feel bad for days or even weeks and forcing you to miss work and other important events. Therefore, keeping your immune system working strongly is very crucial. The best way to do this is by using immune boosters which help maximise your health and prevent you from getting sick.

Immune boosters come in various forms, but all of them can be very effective.

Spirulina Powder is essentially full of powdered greens, giving you a massive dose of nutrition. It helps detoxify the body by removing heavy metals.

Colloidal minerals are naturally occurring and in liquid form can be very powerful. As humans, our bodies cannot absorb vitamins without minerals. So if you are deficient in minerals, then you will not get the benefits of vitamins. Colloidal minerals can be added to water and reduces muscle soreness, replenishes your body and helps boost your immunity.

Echinacea is really good for increasing your intake of Vitamin B12 and iron. This is particularly useful for vegans who don’t get iron which is commonly found in meat. It is also good for busy people who don’t have time to eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Other advantages include blocking bacteria’s ability to make holes in the walls of your cells, preventing sickness.

Multivitamins are also really good for boosting your immune system and will keep you fit and healthy all through the year.


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